
Flat feet, hallux valgus…
99% of people are born with healthy legs. However, by the time we reach the age of 20, up to 80% of us have plantar problems. Why? Because the lifelong wearing of unsuitable footwear takes its toll. Learn more about this topic in the video – Is walking barefoot like walking barefoot?
For example, you most likely did not inherit hallux valgus from your parent’s genes, but from bad habits like wearing narrow shoes with an inappropriate toe shape. Hammer toes, sunken transverse arches, blisters or corns also indicate a lack of room in the shoe. Clawed toes, in turn, point to the wearing of shoes that had to be “grasped with claws / toes” so that they would not fall off – flip-flops, slippers or large shoes. Flat feet do not always mean a problem and do not need constant arch support. Likewise, the cause of collapsed ankles is often to be found higher – in the position of the knees or the strength of the abdomen.
Walking barefoot and healthy feet
Walking barefoot on stimulating surfaces is used worldwide as part of therapy for plantar problems. Ordinary surfaces of the natural environment offer a person a large number of stimuli, which force them to adjust their tread and engage even the last muscle in the foot. Proper engagement of the feet affects the overall movement and supports the involvement of muscles and strengthening the core – the centre of the body. In addition, a wealth of surface information flowing into the brain forces a person to experience a given moment and be truly present. You can learn more about this type of walking in the video: What is conscious / mindful walking?
Healthy walking and a barefoot floor indoors
After wearing shoes all day, why is it recommended to wear other shoes at home – slippers? Because home floors are flat, hard, uninteresting and more especially, safe. Even though we take off our shoes, we are not forced to change the walking style of walking for barefoot. And it is exactly a barefoot style of walking that is essential for moving the feet and walking properly.
However, home interiors can also be beneficial for bare feet. In our region, many families had massage rollers or acupressure sandals for sensory stimulation and relaxation of the feet. There are still several foot training products on the market today. However, DOTS stimulation domed discs are not an exercise aid. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that it is a design accessory that will become a part of your floor. By hiding the stimulating function, you stimulate and exercise your feet naturally by moving around the house, with no extra time or effort needed. What is more, this beneficial habit for your health becomes part of your daily routine, easily, playfully and aesthetically.
If you want to realise the stimulating potential of the floor in your home, be sure to read the article about stimulating products and their placement indoors.